The Creative Universe 6: Self-Confidence

Unleashing Confidence: Crushing Self-Doubt

    Alright, folks, let's get real for a minute. Choosing a blog topic this week has been a total nightmare for me.  I've been going back and fourth from previous ideas to new ones, racking my brain, trying to come up with a cohesive blog post for any of them that doesn't totally suck.  It's been a struggle.  Every idea I had felt meh, and I started doubting myself big time.  I even thought about bailing on this week's post yesterday because I was feeling discouraged.  

My inner creative:  “Keep going, just keep a consistent posting schedule.”

My inner critic: “No one is going to care if you miss a week. Does anyone even read your blog?” 

    But then, I realized I am not alone in this mental mess.  Maybe there is someone who follows along our crazy music journey that has been in the same boat, feeling lost and unsure.  Maybe my own struggle to find a topic could be the very thing that resonates with likeminded individuals I am looking to connect with.  It's a self-reminder that even when doubt creeps in, and we feel stuck, we can find solace and connection by sharing our vulnerabilities and exploring the challenges we all face.

Confidence Quiz: Do You Struggle with Self-Doubt?

Take this quick quiz to see if self-doubt has been wreaking havoc on your brilliant creative mind:

When you come up with a new idea, new daydream, or new project, what's your gut reaction? 

a) Heck yeah, let's do this!  Grabbing a pen now.

b) Wow! This would be so cool!  Maybe someday…

How often do you share your ideas with others? 

a) All the time!  I believe in my ideas, and look forward to sharing them with people!

b) Sometimes, but sharing my ideas often makes me lose the drive I had when I hear/see someone else’s reaction to them.

How do you handle criticism? 

a) Bring it on!  I can handle it.  I thrive on constructive criticism and ignore negativity.

b) It stings a little.  I try to learn from it, but mostly it just makes me lose confidence in myself and my ideas.  I feel lame for even thinking them.

Do you often compare your ideas to those of others? 

a) Nah, I'm confident in my own stuff.  But I do look to others for inspiration!

b) Yeah, all the time, and it makes me feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have things figured out.

Are you willing to take risks with your ideas? 

a) Absolutely! “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!” (Wayne Gretzky) 

b) I'm afraid of what people will think, but I'll give it a shot, when I’m ready...


Mostly A's:
 You rock, my friend!  Wow.  Your confidence in your ideas is off the charts!

Mostly B's:  
Hey, me too, you're not alone.  We all have moments of self-doubt.  But I found some tips to help us both crush it…

10 Strategies to Boost Your Confidence:

1) Give yourself a pat on the back: Take a moment to appreciate all the awesome things you've already accomplished. You've got this!

2) Surround yourself with cheerleaders: Seek out friends, family, mentors, or communities that lift you up and believe in you. We all need that squad that's got our backs.

3) Be kind to yourself: Cut yourself some slack, my friend. We all stumble and make mistakes. It's part of the journey.

4) Shut down that negative self-talk: Kick those self-limiting thoughts to the curb and replace them with positive affirmations. You're a boss, and you deserve to believe it!

5) Start small and build up: Share your ideas with a trusted friend or colleague first. Once you get some positive feedback, you'll gain the confidence to share with the world.

6) Embrace failure like a boss: Failure is just a stepping stone to success. Learn from it, grow from it, and keep pushing forward.

7) Become a knowledge sponge: Dive into subjects that align with your ideas. The more you learn, the more confident you'll feel!!

8) Celebrate progress, no matter how small: Remember, it's not always about the grand victories. Each step forward, no matter how tiny, is a win worth celebrating. Give yourself a high-five for every bit of progress you make.

9) Flip your perspective: Instead of getting caught up in the fear of criticism, view it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Constructive feedback can help you refine your ideas and make them even better.

10) Take the leap: Don't let self-doubt hold you back from taking action. Believe in yourself and your ideas enough to put them out there, even if it means stepping outside your comfort zone. You never know where it might lead you!

    Remember, you possess the power to unleash confidence and squash self-doubt.  Embrace the journey of self-discovery, acknowledge your worth, and trust in your ideas.  Even in the face of uncertainty, know that you are capable of achieving greatness.  Surround yourself with positivity, cultivate a supportive network, and implement strategies to boost your confidence.  Celebrate each step forward, no matter how small, and remember that your unique perspective and ideas matter. So, get out there, believe in yourself, crush that self-doubt, and let your confidence shine. You're gonna rock it!


  1. Very affirming that even accomplished and established musicians like yourselves have self- doubt. It's not easy putting ourselves out there and being judged. It's always a dance between confidence and doubt.

    1. It’s definitely a mental balancing act for sure! I’m glad you found this post relatable, thank you for the kind comment 💜


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