The Creative Universe 10: Series Finale!

Behind the Blog: My Artistic Mind

    Welcome to my last instalment of “The Creative Universe!”  This blog has been the brain child of a 29-year-old all-around artist, whose creativity swirls like storm clouds, and new ideas always compete with old ones. 

Being a creative is both blissful and a rollercoaster of emotions.  It’s like navigating through a universe of inspiration every day, constantly reigning your own mind and aspirations in order to focus on daily tasks at hand.  

There are joys, challenges, and wondrous chaos that comes with having a mind that paints the canvas of life with imagination and big dreams.  In this final post, I’ll share with you little insights into my artistic mind and share new plans for my next blogging adventures!

 ðŸŽ† The Artistic Fireworks:

    Ah, the burst of creative ideas—bright as fireworks and as fleeting as a puff of smoke.  Living with a creative mind is like looking up at a night sky bursting with explosive colourful displays of potential;  they are beautiful and exciting and wonderful to behold, but, as quickly as the ideas appear, they slip away into grey puffs of “maybe someday”, fading into uncertainty, overwhelm and self-doubt.  

Most people think fear is the enemy of art, but it’s more than just fear of failure or other people’s reactions - I would venture to say self-doubt is the poison that kills creativity dead in it’s tracks. 

  • The Bullet Point Brain:

    Most of my life endeavours have, at one time or another, been bullet points in a journal or notes app (including this blog).  This helps me to get the thoughts out of my head and create tangible placeholders for future projects, waiting for the moment when I’ll find both confidence and the will power to bring them to life.  If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with projects and aspirations, try designating a note, or even a folder of notes to compartmentalize creative ideas.

 ðŸ’¬ Overcoming Creative Block:

    But, oh, the dreaded writer's block—a common plight for creatives.  Amid the chaos of creativity, ideas sometimes hide behind a blank veil.  However, I've learned that the best way to conquer this is to create fearlessly, even writing about about the block itself.

⌛ Making Time:

Piecing together this blog has been a labor of love spanning almost 7 years.  The difference between wanting to do something for a long time, and then actually doing it, is making it a priority goal, and taking the time out of your day to devote to it.  Most people think they don’t have the time, and need to “find time” as if they are searching for a lost set of keys.  But creative endeavours require attention.  They are like needy children: if you don’t make time to give them dedicated focus, they will nag at your mind when you’re busy anyway.  When you plant a seed, you make time to water it so it can grow.  Similarly, you have to make time to work on creative projects, or they will never get off the ground. 

✨ The Daily Dreamer: A New Idea

As I pause ‘The Creative Universe’ I will be working on a new blogging idea; I find myself drawn to start a fresh series: "The Daily Dreamer."  Like a newspaper-style front page, each day of the week having specific theme.   This will require a lot of prep-work and backlogging content if I’m going to be able to be consistent, so we shall see how it goes!  It may take months, or years, or may never get off the ground, but at the moment, that’s my next passion project.

“…it's not about finding the perfect starting point—it's about daring to start..”

    In the end, for anyone else looking to start something creative - it's not about finding the perfect starting point—or even forcing yourself to stick with it! - it's about daring to start, enjoying the steps along the way, and not being afraid to stop or pivot when you’ve had enough or exhausted one creative outlet.   

The creative universe has been my rocket ship to explore blogging further, and I'm thrilled with where it’s taken me.  That being said, it’s time for me to take a break, pause on “Planet Pivot” let’s call it, and see what the next chapter of my artistic adventure brings. 

This blog is an ode to all the dreamers, artists, and visionaries out there.  Embrace your creativity and let it flow, even if you’re embarrassed or will look back on it later and call in cringe, who cares, it’s a learning experience, and even if it’s not perfect, your ideas are sparks that can ignite the world.  Yes it’s cheesy, and it’s true.  Take that first step, overcome the uncertainty, and make your dreams reality.  Don’t be afraid to get messy and splatter a little something new on your life’s canvas. 
