The Creative Universe 2: Starting a Business

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business

    Starting a business is an exciting and rewarding venture, but it can also be a challenging one.  Many entrepreneurs make mistakes when launching their business that can impact their success.  In this blog post, we will discuss some common mistakes to avoid (we are guilty of learning from all of these) when starting a business, including one specific to Canada – charging HST. 

1. Not Doing Enough Research

One of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make when starting a business is not doing enough research. Researching the market, competitors, and potential customers is essential to understanding your business's viability and potential success. Understanding your industry's trends, strengths, and weaknesses is crucial to identifying opportunities and threats.

Before starting a business, entrepreneurs should conduct thorough research on their target audience, the competition, the industry, and the potential customers' needs. This research can help them identify gaps in the market and make informed decisions when creating their products or services.Not Creating a Business Plan

2. Not Budgeting / Having a Business Plan 

Another mistake that entrepreneurs make when starting a business is not creating a budget or having a business plan.  In order to run a sustainable business, you need to be able to cover your monthly expenses and have a plan to ensure there is enough income coming in to make a profit at the end of the year.  There are many ways to track your finances and create a budget, so it’s important to do your research on managing money before working for yourself.

Some businesses also need a well-written formal business plan to secure funding from investors or financial institutions.  It also serves as a roadmap for your business's growth and helps you stay focused on your goals. 

A formal business plan is a document that outlines your business's objectives, strategies, and goals.  It can also helps you define your target audience, identify your competition, and create a financial plan for your business.

3. Underestimating the Importance of Branding

Branding is an important part of any business's success.  A strong brand helps your business stand out in a crowded market, builds trust with your customers, and creates a positive reputation for your company.

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of underestimating the importance of branding when starting their business.  They may choose a generic name or logo that does not resonate with their target audience, leading to confusion and lack of interest in their products or services.

Investing in a strong brand identity, including a logo, website, and social media presence, can help establish your business's identity and attract new clients.

4. Ignoring or Not Being Aware of Legal Requirements

Starting a business requires complying with various legal requirements, including registering your business with the government and obtaining any necessary permits and licenses.  Ignoring these requirements can result in hefty fines or legal issues down the line.

In Canada, any small business that surpasses $30,000 in self-employment income, within four consecutive quarters, is required to begin collecting HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) on goods and services.  You cannot do this without an HST number, and you cannot acquire an HST number without first registering as a business in your province

If you fail to begin charging HST after you hit the $30,000 threshold, you could be required to pay the difference in HST between the time you registered and the time your income exceeded this amount.  To avoid this, you can also file a form listing any goods and services you missed to apply for HST relief, but it is a tedious task.

5. Trying to Do Everything Yourself All at Once

Entrepreneurs often wear many hats when starting a business, from marketing and sales to accounting and customer service.  Most often this comes with the reality of not having a budget to hire more help.  However, trying to do everything yourself can lead to burnout and neglecting critical areas of your business.

Delegating tasks to your teammates, taking breaks, and creating a business schedule for a better work/life balance is critical to running your own business.  If/when you have the budget to do so, hiring employees, or outsourcing tasks to other professionals can free up your time to focus on strategic decisions and growing your business.  

In addition, hiring an accountant, marketing specialist, or customer service representative can also help you streamline business operations and provide a better customer experience.

    To sum things up, starting a business can seem overwhelming, but with proper planning and attention to detail, you can increase your chances of success.  

By avoiding common mistakes such as failing to research thoroughly, neglecting legal requirements, and not delegating tasks, you can focus on building a strong brand and growing your business.  

Discover Your Entrepreneurial Style: Take This Quiz!

1. Which best describes your approach to risk-taking? 
a) I'm willing to take big risks to achieve my goals. 
b) I prefer to take calculated risks and minimize potential losses. 
c) I'm cautious and prefer to avoid risks altogether.

2. What's your ideal work environment? 
a) I am in charge, I manage my business & team, including my own schedule.
b) I co-work with a team, I have a collaborative work schedule.
c) I work alone, among other workers, and my schedule is provided for me.

3. How do you handle stress and uncertainty? 
a) I thrive under pressure and enjoy solving problems.  Uncertainty is temporary.
b) I prefer to have a clear plan to avoid surprises, but I manage my stress.
c) I struggle with stress and uncertainty and find it difficult to make decisions.

4. How comfortable are you with networking and promoting yourself? 
a) I love the power of networking and enjoy promoting myself and my business. 
b) I'm willing to put myself out there, but networking is not my favorite thing to do. 
c) I'm uncomfortable with both networking and promoting myself.

5. How important is financial stability to you? 
a) It's important, but I'm willing to take some financial risks to achieve my goals. 
b) It's very important, and I want to make sure I have a solid financial plan in place. 
c) It's the most important thing to me, and I would only start a business if I knew I could be financially secure.

Scoring: For each question, assign a score of 3 for answer (a), 2 for answer (b), and 1 for answer (c). 

Add up your scores to get your total.

13-15 Points: 

  • The Trailblazer
    • You have a high level of entrepreneurial readiness and are comfortable taking risks and being a leader.  To pursue your passions, grow and develop your business ideas by actively seeking out new resources in your niche and attend networking events to expand your horizons.  

9-12 Points:

  • The Visionary
    • You have a natural ability to see the big picture and come up with innovative ideas.  With some effort and dedication, you can develop the skills you need to make your dreams a reality.  Keep working on building your confidence to gain experience and connections in your niche.

5-8 Points:

  • The Dreamer
    • You feel more comfortable in a stable job, but don't let that hold you back from pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams.  A great way to dip your toes in the water, is to start small with a side hustle in your niche.  This way you can gain experience, confidence, and build business connections at your own pace.  Keep dreaming big and taking small steps towards your goals!

    Congratulations on discovering your entrepreneurial style!  I hope this quiz was fun and provided you with helpful insights and advice on your entrepreneurial journey. 

As a fellow small business owner and creative professional, I hope these tips on common mistakes can be helpful for aspiring entrepreneurs.  Remember, the path to self-employment can be challenging, but the rewards of being your own boss are unparalleled.  Best of luck on your journey!
