The Creative Universe 7: Power of Partnership

The Power of Partnership: Working With Your S/O

    Hey there!  Curious about what it’s like to work with your partner?  Ever considered starting a side hustle with the love of your life?  Or jumping in with both feet and running a full-blown business together?  Or do you already work with your S/O and are curious how we do it? 

Grab a seat, because I’m about to spill the beans. For those new to my blog, hi, I'm Lisette, the artist, the singer, the awkward extroverted half of our dynamic duo... and that handsome stud in the photo below is my husband Ty, the witty introvert who completes my singer half with his gorgeous guitar melodies.  In this blog, I’ll share 10 superpowers of partnership in business, why it works for us, and some tips for balancing love, life and work.  Buckle up, because it's about to get real, relatable, and ridiculously fun!

Picture this:  Two clueless lovebirds, armed with a dream and a whole lot of heart, 
ready to conquer the world one melody at a time.  Our love story has brewed from a passion for music, shared dreams, fears, failures, inside jokes, unforgettable experiences & emotional roller coasters… and it has all been the fuel for our crazy music career.


These 10 points highlight the power and advantages of working with your significant other, demonstrating how it can bring you closer together while propelling your shared business ventures to new heights.

  1. Shared Vision: Working with your S/O allows you to align your visions and goals, creating a united front in pursuing your professional aspirations.  
  2. Strong Support System: Always having someone in your corner to support your vision is an asset in business.  Mutual support and encouragement boosts confidence and motivation, which in turn helps to propel your work forward.
  3. Efficient Communication: The intimate nature of your relationship fosters open and effective communication, leading to better collaboration and decision-making.
  4. Trust and Reliability: Trust is already established in your relationship, which translates into a reliable and dependable partnership in business.
  5. Complementary Strengths: Your unique strengths and skills complement each other, allowing for a more comprehensive and well-rounded approach to business challenges.
  6. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Two heads are better than one. Your combined perspectives and problem-solving abilities give you a competitive advantage in finding innovative solutions.
  7. Flexibility and Adaptability: Working with your S/O allows for increased flexibility in scheduling, adapting to each other's needs, and responding swiftly to changing circumstances.
  8. Work-Life Balance: With shared work and personal lives, you can integrate the two seamlessly, making it easier in some senses to balance both aspects and maintain harmony.
  9. Increased Accountability: Being accountable to each other ensures a higher level of commitment and dedication to the success of your joint endeavors.
  10. Deepened Connection: Collaborating professionally strengthens the bond in your relationship, deepening your connection as you navigate challenges and celebrate achievements together.

Picture this: From being cruise ship entertainers across the US to embarking on our journey as full-time traveling musicians in Ontario, Canada, it's been an incredible roller coaster and it still feels like we are just getting started.


    They say opposites attract, and boy, do Tyler and I prove that every day!  When it comes to woking together, having opposite perspectives, work ethics, habits, skills & strengths has been an asset for delegating tasks and supporting each other in our business.

Creativity VS Precision: 

I take pride in my creativity and artistic vision, which have helped shape our brand and online presence.  From designing eye-catching visuals to curating engaging content, I work diligently to showcase our talents and share our musical journey with authenticity and enthusiasm.  Through strategic social media management and branding efforts, I aim to captivate and inspire others.  

On the other hand, Tyler takes pride in precision and planning.  His meticulous attention to detail ensures that every aspect of our business is executed flawlessly.  From travel plans & grocery lists, to tracking income and expenses, and keeping our website’s event page up to date.  He also ensures that we sound our best at each gig by fine-tuning our room mix during sound checks with saved scenes for any type of venue.  

It’s the perfect fusion of imagination and organization.  

Extrovert VS Introvert: 

As an extrovert, I love social interactions and connecting with people.  As the singer in our acoustic duo, this pairs well with engaging audiences and leaning into the vibrant parts of my personality when needed for performing, taking phone calls, answering emails, etc.  

In contrast, Tyler, as an introvert, finds his strength in working behind the scenes, making sure everything is running smoothly, paying attention to the finer details.  His calm, composed demeanour brings a sense of balance to our duo, and our work relationship is often like a professional dance where each partner compliments the other. 

While I can be an energizer bunny, brimming with enthusiasm, bubbling ideas, a wandering mind, and ambition, Tyler provides the grounding force that keeps us focused and prepared.  His logical thinking and practical approach balance my spontaneous and emotional nature, making sure we stay on track when embracing new opportunities.  

    These diverse traits not only make our partnership exciting but also enable us to cover a wide range of skills and perspectives.  By leveraging our individual strengths and supporting each other's weaknesses, we create a dynamic collaboration that enhances our music, business, and personal relationship.

Picture this:  
Your S/O's supportive presence, the freedom to set your own schedule, work on projects you love, and create a life that intertwines love, ambition, and shared dreams.  The laughter, the late nights, and the sense of fulfillment as you witness your joint venture grow and thrive.  Together, you're building not only a business but a stronger bond.


    Balancing love life and work can be a challenge, especially when you're working side by side with your significant other. Here are some helpful tips for maintaining a healthy balance:

Set clear boundaries:  Allow for designated work time and personal time.  Create a mental separation between work and home life to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy relationship.

Prioritize quality time: Make intentional efforts to spend quality time together outside of work.  Plan date nights, engage in shared hobbies, or simply enjoy each other's company without discussing work-related matters.

Communicate openly:  Effective communication is key.  Discuss your individual needs, concerns, and expectations.  Keep the lines of communication open to avoid misunderstandings and address any work-related issues promptly.

Delegate tasks:  Divide and conquer by assigning specific roles and responsibilities based on each other's strengths and interests.  This helps prevent an overlap of duties and promotes efficiency in both your work and personal lives.

Take breaks together:  Schedule regular breaks and make a conscious effort to take them together.  Use these moments to recharge, connect, and enjoy each other's company away from work-related stress.

Nurture your personal interests:  Encourage each other to pursue individual hobbies and interests outside of your shared work.  This allows for personal growth, diversifies your conversations, and prevents work from becoming the sole focus of your relationship.

Practice self-care:  Prioritize self-care to maintain your physical and mental well-being.  Take time to relax, exercise, and engage in activities that help you unwind and recharge, individually and as a couple.

Celebrate achievements together:  Acknowledge and celebrate milestones and successes as a team.  Recognize the hard work and effort put into your joint venture, and take time to appreciate the journey and accomplishments you've achieved together.


    Working with your significant other can be an incredibly rewarding experience that harnesses the power of your partnership in a business capacity. By embracing the unique strengths of your relationship and effectively managing challenges, you can create a harmonious and successful professional journey together that can not only bring you closer together, but also create a whole new level to your relationship. Remember, it's all about finding the right balance and supporting each other's growth as you navigate working side by side.

I hope this blog post has provided valuable insights and inspiration for those considering or currently working with their S/O.  Embrace the power of partnership and unlock new possibilities in both your personal and professional lives!

Remember, your partner isn't just your love; they can be your greatest ally in achieving your dreams and goals.


  1. Wow! There are so many similarities in your duo and our duo. Mick and I started a band 20 years ago. It was a four piece. Now we have a duo/trio and it's so nice to just be accountable to each other. Mick is the introvert and I'm the intro-extrovert. Our duo is the best thing we've done as a couple.

    1. Love this!! What is your duo called?? There are so many great aspects about working with your partner, and I’m so glad to hear you can relate to our story!


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