The Creative Universe 8: Self-Care

Recharge! The Self-Care “Meal Plan”

Are you tired of the same old routine, feeling burnt out and in need of a fresh perspective on how to recharge?  Well, today’s post is a fun foodie twist on self-care tips and the importance of taking time for yourself.  

Think of this blog as your personal chef, serving up a prepared assortment of practical tips, relatable anecdotes, and fun me-time ideas to help you prioritize self-care and fuel your mind, body and heart.

Just like a well-curated menu at your favorite restaurant, I wrote this blog to leave you feeling nourished, rejuvenated, and excited about taking care of yourself!!

Hungry for More Energy In Your Life?


Try this 4 Course Meal Plan :)
(Feel free to skip to the dish you’re most hungry for, then come back 2nds, 3rds and/or 4ths 😋)

The Energy Booster: Refill Your Reserves
Discover the transformative power of recharging with intentional breaks, boosting your creativity, productivity, and overall well-being.

Serving up Stories: The Work-Life Special
Join me as I share personal anecdotes about finding harmony between work and personal life.

Savouring Self-Care: A Nourishing Guide
Dive into practical strategies and tips for prioritizing time off amidst life's demands & take a self-care quiz!

Sweets for the Soul: Wholesome Self-Care Recipes
A delightful list of fun self-care recipes that are sure to sweeten your day.


1. The Energy Booster: Refill Your Reserves

Taking intentional breaks is like hitting the refresh button for your mind, heart, and body.  It's like giving yourself a power boost when you're running low on juice.  You know a car needs a pit stop for refueling to keep cruising smoothly, and, guess what?  You're no different.  

You deserve to refuel and recharge.  It's all about replenishing those energy reserves and keeping your productivity game strong.  So go ahead, embrace even the short moments of rest and relaxation, and take the time you need for you to feel that spring in your step.  You got this!

Enhancing Creativity and Productivity:

    We all know that taking a breather can ignite inspiration.  But we often neglect creative moments because they don’t feel “useful” or “productive.”  But when I step away from the daily grind and indulge in activities that light up my creative mind, magic happens.  

It's like that moment right before you go to sleep when your brain goes on this wild adventure, making unexpected connections and sparking fresh ideas.  Those lightbulb moments? They're real and they can happen during the day too, you just need to take a day to let them happen!  

And let me tell you, they've totally transformed my work game.  Recharging isn't just about chilling out; it's a secret weapon for unlocking creative ideas and being confident you can follow creative pursuits like a boss.

Nurturing Mental and Emotional Well-being: 

    Life can be a whirlwind, am I right?  Our modern world is all go-go-go, and it can really mess with our mental and emotional state.  But fear not, because you hold the power to reclaim your peace of mind and emotional well-being. 

It's all about putting self-care on the top shelf of your priority list and infusing regular recharging sessions into your routine.  By giving yourself the gift of downtime and intentional relaxation, wether in short regular spurts or in long stretch chunks, you open doors to emotional renewal and mental detox

Trust me, nurturing your mental and emotional well-being by recharging when you need it can bring out your resilient spirit, a happier heart, and give you the superpower to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.  I know it sounds cheesy, but that’s because it’s true, and you can do it!

Thanks for indulging!

2. Serving up Stories: The Work-Life Special 

    I hope you enjoy these 2 stories on how we found harmony between work and personal life by carving out (and actually following through with) dedicated time for recharging.

Anecdote 1: Balancing the Birthday Week: Work, Play, and Steak!

Picture this:  It was my birthday on June 17th, and guess what?  Because my birthday fell on a Saturday this year (a prime day for us musicians) we went ahead and scheduled a gig on the exact day!  Now, you might think it's a bummer, but we saw it as an opportunity to turn the celebration up a notch and make the most of the whole week!

Since our weekend gigs were all around the GTA, we decided to drive up early, and planned a little birthday adventure to Canada's Wonderland!  We unleashed our inner child, and even bought the fast pass to ride as many roller coasters as we could fit in from open to closing time.  We let the adrenaline boost our serotonin all day, I had a great time taking photos & vids to share on socials *for fun!* and it was a day of pure joy and a much-needed dopamine boost to recharge our business batteries.

My birthday gig was at Hy’s Steakhouse in Toronto, one of our favourite venues to play, with amazing staff and a great atmosphere for a chill gig day. 

Now, here's the twist:  After rocking the room at Hy's, we treated ourselves to a fancy steak dinner.  The atmosphere was perfect, and the staff made us feel like VIPs after we played.  It was the icing on the cake (or should I say cheesecake lol):

Lesson learned?  Life is all about seizing opportunities based on your unique circumstances, embracing joy, and savoring the unexpected moments.  Work and personal life can harmoniously coexist when you plan ahead, let loose, and celebrate the journey!

Anecdote 2:  Total Revival: Rest, Games, and Good Food!

Imagine this:  We’ve had a crazy summer filled with non-stop gigs often from Wednesday to Sundays.  We are rocking the stage left and right, and some weeks driving from place to place with no time to catch our breath.  But guess what?  We know we need to recharge when we can to keep the energy alive for the upcoming demanding gigs the next week.

So, during this brief 3-day break in our jam-packed schedule (today is actually day 2 of our rest period,
 and I’m sitting on the couch blogging today because I enjoy it!), we decided to prioritize self-care like true rockstars lol.  This blog topic was actually Ty’s idea.  We’re indulging in some guilt-free video game sessions, movie nights, cooking healthy wholesome meals together, and we can already feel our batteries recharging. 

Tonight’s meal: Alfredo pasta, garlic bread bruschetta & oven roasted carrots 😋.

    These moments of rest and rejuvenation are definitely a secret sauce for success.  We have learned through many mental burnouts that it's not all about working hard; it's about finding the right balance between work and play. 

Thanks for indulging!

3. Savouring Self-Care: A Nourishing Guide 

    Nurture your down-time and prioritize yourself like a true boss.  Prioritizing these 5 heart-healthy habits to keep your energy balance in check:

1. Carve Out Me-Time: No down time?  No excuses.  Schedule dedicated in-between time for self-care activities that align with your interests and passions.  Prioritize things that replenish your energy and bring you joy.

2. Set Boundaries:  It’s ok to say no to things and set healthy boundaries to protect your recharging time from external demands and obligations.  You are allowed to have days of nothing even when other things are happening you could participate in.

3. Digital Detox:  
Unplug from the digital world and give yourself permission to disconnect.  Engage in activities that nourish you offline, and create a space for yourself, free from constant notifications and distractions.

4. Joyful Pursuits:  Try to f
ind new activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.  Make time for exploring and experiencing new things that could make your heart sing. 

5. Practice Mindfulness:  They call it “practice” because that’s what it takes to be fully present in the moments that provide us happiness.  Sometimes our brains won’t let them last, but don’t let great moments pass you by because you’re distracted by the other things in your life that cause you stress.  Practice immersing yourself in the present moment and let other thoughts go as quick as they came.

Quiz: How Well Do You Prioritize Self-Care and Recharging?

How often do you take intentional breaks to recharge your energy? 

a) Rarely or never 
b) Occasionally 
c) Regularly and consciously

When you have downtime, what do you typically do? 

a) Continue working or stay busy with tasks 
b) Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation 
c) It varies depending on the situation

How often do you engage in self-care activities? 

a) Rarely or never 
b) Sometimes, when I remember or have the time 
c) Consistently and as a priority

Are you able to say no to external demands or obligations when it interferes with your self-care time? 

a) No, I often feel guilty or obligated to say yes 
b) It depends on the situation, but I struggle with saying no sometimes 
c) Yes, I prioritize my self-care and have no problem saying no when necessary

Do you practice mindfulness or engage in activities that promote mental and emotional well-being? 

a) Not at all 
b) Occasionally, when I remember or feel the need 
c) Yes, regularly and it's a vital part of my self-care routine

How often do you seek support or assistance when you're feeling overwhelmed or in need of help? 

a) I rarely reach out for support and try to handle everything on my own 
b) I sometimes seek support, but I hesitate to ask for help 
c) I readily seek support and understand the importance of reaching out

How well do you prioritize restful sleep as part of your self-care routine? 

a) I neglect sleep and prioritize other activities over rest 
b) I recognize the importance of sleep but sometimes sacrifice it for other things 
c) I prioritize and make sure to get sufficient restful sleep consistently

How well do you take care of your physical health through nutritious foods and hydration? 

a) I don't pay much attention to my diet and hydration 
b) I try to eat healthily and stay hydrated, but it's not always consistent 
c) I prioritize my physical health and make conscious choices for proper nutrition and hydration

Which letter did you select the most?

Mostly A's: It's time to prioritize self-care and make recharging a priority in your life. Identify areas where you can make small changes and start incorporating self-care practices into your routine.

Mostly B's: You're making some efforts to prioritize self-care, but there's room for improvement. Take a closer look at your habits and find ways to consistently prioritize your well-being.

Mostly C's: Congratulations! You're doing a great job prioritizing self-care and recharging. Keep up the good work and continue making yourself a priority in your busy life.

Thanks for indulging!

4. Self-Care Sweets: Fun Rejuvenating Recipes

I had fun coming up with clever dessert concoctions to satisfy your self-care sweet tooth.  These wholesome rejuvenation recipes are me-time treats that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated :).

Creative Cupcake

  • any creative outlet
  • an inspiring spot to think
  • 2 cups of creative passion
  • a handful of artistic expressions
  • a splash of imagination
Directions:  Mix with joy, let creativity flow, and indulge in the fun flavours of self-expression.

Slumber Sorbet

  • 1 cosy bed of time
  • 1 soft pillow of relaxation
  • 1 blanket of blank thoughts
  • 1 cup of sweet dreams
Directions:  Settle into comfort, drift into dreamland, and awaken refreshed and rejuvenated.

Nature Nougat

  • fresh air
  • sunlight
  • 1 comfy seasonal outfit
  • a dash of outdoor adventure
Directions:  Take a leisurely stroll out in nature, add sunlight to taste, and breathe in the beauty.  Let the tranquility soothe you. 

Journal Jello

  • a blank journal
  • a pen or pencil
  • 1 cup of contemplation
  • a stream of consciousness  
Directions:   Pour your thoughts onto the pages, stir in some emotions, and let your mind go loose.  Let chill overnight.  Enjoy reading back in the morning with fresh eyes and/or make a new entry.

Adventure Avalanche

  • 1 scoop of exploring new places
  • 2 dollops of thrilling activities
  • a sprinkle of spontaneous fun
  • a drizzle of travel plans

Directions:  Layer in the excitement, top with curiosity, and create memories of unforgettable adventures.

Bubbling Bliss

  • 1 tub of relaxation
  • 1 bath bomb of bliss
  • essential oils and/or scented candles of choice
Directions:  Run a warm bubble bath, add your favourite scents, immerse yourself in bliss, and soak away the stress.

Digital Detox Delight

  • 1 hour minimum of unplugging 
  • 1 serving of offline activity
  • 3 tbs of general observation
  • a pinch of self-awareness

Directions:  Disconnect from screens, engage with the world around you, and savour the freedom of being present.


  • 2 cups of quality time
  • 1 cups of heartfelt conversation
  • 1 hug or handshake
Flavours:  Family, Friends, Partner, Strangers.

Directions:  Gather with loved ones, or strike up a conversation with a total stranger.  Share stories and laughter, and connect with others.

Silly Smoothie

  • 2 cups of hilarious jokes
  • 1 banana-sized belly laugh
  • 1 scoop of silly shenanigans
Directions:  Blend with joy, sip with glee, and let laughter fill your heart with happiness. 

Best Balance Brownie

  • Equal parts "Me Time" and "Quality Connections"
Directions:  Mix well, savour the moments, and enjoy the perfect balance of solitude and socializing.

Supportive Sundae

  • 1 scoop of loved ones
  • a dollop of trusted professionals
  • a sprinkle of emotional support
  • a handful of healing guidance
Directions:  Reach out for help when you need it, seek support from professionals, and let others uplift and empower you.

Gratitude Granola

  • 1 cup of positive affirmation parfait
  • a dash of daily reflection
  • a pinch of appreciation
Directions:  Mix with love, and savour each day with a grateful heart.

Sweet Serene-Tea

  • your favourite tea (or try something new!)
  • 1 cup of mindfulness
  • 3 tbs of meditation or relaxation
  • a handful of deep breaths
  • a pinch of present moment.
Directions:  Stir gently, sip slowly, take some deep breaths, and nourish your mind with today’s surroundings.

Thanks for indulging!

    How did you like my self-care “meal plan”!?  I had fun writing it, and hope it was fun to read.  Feel free to return to it whenever you are hungry for more energy in your life.  

Taking time for yourself is not a luxury but a necessity.  You body, heart, and mind need rest just as much as is needs food and drink.  

I hope these these practical tips, anecdotes, and ideas give you a renewed sense of enthusiasm on your own self-care journey.  Get ready to recharge, rejuvenate, and repeat!  

Bon Appétit!
